!LargeMonitorView class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
"Create a multiple view on the system monitoring process."
"LargeMonitorView open."
| topView monitorView |
topView _ StandardSystemView new.
topView label: 'System Monitoring'.
topView borderWidth: 2.
topView insideColor: Form white.
topView minimumSize: 200@385.
monitorView _ self new.
monitorView model: SystemMonitor.
monitorView controller: (LargeMonitorController new sensor: InputSensor default).
monitorView window: (0@0 extent: 100@700).
topView addSubView: monitorView.
monitorView buildSubViews.
topView controller open.! !
'From Smalltalk-80, version 2, of April 1, 1983 on 22 July 1987 at 5:11:17 pm'!
!BitBlt methodsFor: 'private'!
"Perform the movement of bits from one From to another described by the instance variables of the receiver. Fail if any instance variables are not of the right type (Integer or Form) or if combinationRule is not between 0 and 15 inclusive. Set the variables and try again (BitBlt|copyBitsAgain). Essential. See Object documentation whatIsAPrimitive."
<primitive: 96>
combinationRule = Form paint
ifTrue: [^self paintBits]
[destX _ destX truncated.
destY _ destY truncated.
width _ width truncated.
height _ height truncated.
sourceX _ sourceX truncated.
sourceY _ sourceY truncated.
clipX _ clipX truncated.
clipY _ clipY truncated.
clipWidth _ clipWidth truncated.
clipHeight _ clipHeight truncated.
^self copyBitsAgain]! !
'From Smalltalk-80, version 2, of April 1, 1983 on 22 July 1987 at 5:11:24 pm'!
!BitBlt methodsFor: 'copying'!
SystemMonitor incrementBitBltCount. "For system monitoring."
self reallyCopyBits! !
'From Smalltalk-80, version 2, of April 1, 1983 on 22 July 1987 at 5:11:46 pm'!
'From Smalltalk-80, version 2, of April 1, 1983 on 22 July 1987 at 5:11:56 pm'!
!CharacterScanner methodsFor: 'scanning'!
"All fonts have an illegal character to be used when a character is not within the font's legal range. When characters out of ranged are encountered in scanning text, then this special character indicates the appropriate behavior. The character is usually treated as a unary message understood by a subclass of CharacterScanner."
"The central display routine. The call on the primitive (scanCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:) will be interrupted according to the StopConditions array passed to the primitive at which time the code to handle the stopCondition is run and the call on the primitive continued until a stopCondition returns true which means the line has terminated."